BIRTH WEEKEND!!! As in the celebration of my own birth…

Tomorrow is my birthday! Or as my mum would say…”bird day”…because she has a Maltese accent.

So today I went for a pub Sunday roast with my nearest and dearest.
What to wear? Well, I recently decided my post pregnancy/new mum look will be cool checked shirts or big v necked jumpers with jeansy leggings…I figured I’ll have a fat tummy so need long things..and shirts and v necks will be great for breast feeding.


Because I only have TWENTY FOUR DAYS TO GO, and have completely exhausted all my clothes, I thought I’d get a head start and have already got my hands on 2 checked shirts which fit the bill. One of them, my mum got me only yesterday as a present. So today I wore it with my h&m jeansy leggings which I basically wear every day.


If you’re in early pregnancy and looking to buy some maternity jeans, I highly recommend getting these. They’re so comfortable and because they’re stretchy you can lounge in them, dress them up…I was going to buy another pair coz I reckon they’ll still be great after the baby comes but my mum talked me out of it..I’ll wait until the baby actually has come and see what I sister in law says fit the first 6 weeks I’ll probably just wear pyjamas and trackie bottoms so we’ll see!


Anyways back to today..the pictures I have of the outfit are really only of my top. I wore it with gold drop earrings from topshop and my wedding rings around my neck on a chain…this is mainly because my fingers keep getting super hot and my rings feel tight. Didn’t want to leave them at home though…practical!

I also wore red lippy to make it snazzy.

Here is a picture of my birthday cake…



And here’s one of Lanny, our cat, trying to get up the chimney..


Jump (er) into Christmas!



Today’s outfit is based around a maternity jumper I picked up in H&M yesterday. It was a total impulse buy…I finished work at last! And I was on top of the world so I went and got my eye brows threaded and tinted and then popped into H&M to see if they had any more jeans leggings things in another colour…I love mine so much and they’ll be great after the baby comes too..I found this jumper cute! With a touch of sparkle to get ready for chrimbo.


I normally refuse to start celebrating Christmas until after my birthday (1st December, I have an Amazon wishlist if you’re wondering) but for some reason this year I’m raring to go. Maybe it’s cos my usual polaric personality of extremes is heightened right now by pregnancy and I’m experiencing terrifying highs and crippling lows..but I’m SO EXCITED ABOUT CHRISTMAS. Because this year I get a new house and a new baby. And maybe even a new kindle.


Anyways, I wore my new jumper today to spend many hours in traffic and waiting at the new house for our fridge to be delivered. And to eat picnic sandwiches on the floor.

I wore it with my you know whats and BRAND NEW CONVERSE…I bought some! Look how shiny. They’re prison clean, as we used to say in school. I don’t really get it to be honest.



I also put my hair up, jauntily..and did my makeup a bit different..Brown smoky eyes and a gothic berry lip..the lipstick is Topshop lip liner which I used all over…a bit dressy for daytime really but I like it.

And hey Presto that’s it.

Catch you later…

An eventful week and a surprise

Well I can safely say I’m brimming with excitement…bursting…buzzing. I’m ready to pop.

First point…We exchanged and completed on our house last week after months of slow dragging and letters being sent back and forth, second class in the post. Solicitors and mortgage lenders don’t seem to have heard of email or scanners.
But we’re moving in a week! Professionals are coming to pack all my things and move them to my new the old one for me too.
I can finally sort out Mr Jiggly’s room! I can nest! I’m not sure if I actually have that ‘nesting thing’ or if it’s just my personality but I’m desperate to do some home making…or at least pay someone else to do it for me.

Second point of excitement…it’s my last week of work! Thank heavens for that! The commute wipes me out completely…only 4 more of these to go!

Finally..yesterday I met my best friends for brunch and someone really casually suggested we all go back to Halcyon’s (one the friends) house for some tea…Ok I said…maybe…no you’re right let’s do it, I never see you guys. I had driven so everyone got the bus while two of us headed over in the car…it was only about a mile away but lots of one way streets and it took a bloody age. Laura, who’d come with me in the car also needed to stop for a diet coke coz she was hungover….We finally got to Halc’s and there was a surprise baby shower for me! They’d all been panicking I would get there super fast in the car so was taken on a wild goose chase…amazing. They were all convinced I knew about it but I hadn’t a clue…someone at work asked me last week if I’d had one and I was like err no..I just hadn’t even thought about it.

What a lovely surprise..they’d all clubbed in and got me a voucher for a place in Crystal palace that does pregnancy massage..there were cakes, balloons, games and Prosecco for the drinkers. So lovely.

The games were especially good..nappies filled with melted chocolate and you had to guess the chocolate…most disgusting game ever. Also baby pictures of everyone and I

had to guess the baby…impossible. I was terrible at it.

But it was such a lovely afternoon and I was so touched.

35 weeks pregnant tomorrow so only 5 weeks til Christmas! I mean til Mr Jiggly!



Right which nappy shall I eat from?



The ice cubes had little babies in them


Hen listening to the baby


Mmmm delicious nappy mess




Nappy fun

Wrapping Up!

So it’s finally cold. Hooray! All my dreams have come true. Oh wait everyone’s got their heating on full blast and it’s making me boiling.

Oh well maybe dreams weren’t meant to come true.


I was actually falling over a bit in this photo but I thought it looked arty

Anyways I know you’ve seen this dress before but I thought I’d feature it again to show how well it’s lasting me through the pregnancy. When I wrote “Nautical but Nice” I was 22 weeks pregnant. Now I’m 33! And look how well the dress still fits.

For those of you who haven’t read all of my posts (I doubt there are many of you), this is a non maternity dress from Zara. So amazing!


I’m wearing it with Marks and Spencer’s gold buckled boots, opaque maternity tights from Marksys too, necklace from Accessorize, giant grey Zara scarf and Zara coat which I got from EBay! The coat is from last year and it doesn’t do up anymore but that’s ok, it lets in a lovely breeze.



Incidentally, I reread the old blog post which features this dress and I was banging on about how cold it is so it would appear I’ll never be happy. Weather wise.

And there you have it!

Giddy Up!

My life at the moment is a battle. A battle with the weather. It’s causing me so much grief I have to assume it’s hormones + pregnancy hotness = tantrum. Because there has been throwing. And tears. Welcome to the final stretch!

I basically have no clothes which are suitable for my large body…constant discomfort and weather which is both hot and cold in the same day. Also factor in work appropriateness and the desire to look good and not like a tragic bedraggled mousse.


Life is hard huh?! And my diamond shoes are too tight and my wallet’s too small for all these 50’s!

Anyways this weekend I visited my best friend from school days, Tasha. When she was pregnant a few years ago I met her for coffee and cake in fortnum and masons (do this it’s nice) and she was wearing a lovely top covered in horses. It had buttons up the back that she could undo to make space for her big bump. I’ve thought about that top a lot and have many times googled “Dorothy Perkins horse buttons back” to try and get one.

Well yesterday Tash said…hey remember that horse top I wore in fortnum and masons? Do you want it? ERR YES PLEASE. and thank heavens cos I’ve really run out of good stuff.


I’m wearing it today with the usuals. I’m not even going to say it. You know what they are. Plus my white converse. They look very battered but in comparison to the red ones which went into the bin this week (sob!), they’re basically brand new. But I love them! I’ve asked for some new converse for my birthday but who knows if I’ll get them seeing as I’ve also asked for a leather jacket, a Michael kors watch, a kindle and a facial. Maybe I should list them in priority? BUT I WANT THEM ALL!!


Anyways in other news I got my haircut! Here’s the “after”. I don’t like it.


Catch you later
Ps did you spot the friends quote?