Last night a lipstick saved my life

Yes. This actually happened. Ahem.

Anyway, I love red lipstick. I love how I look when I wear it. And I have super dry, colourless, thin lips and a small mouth so a red lip is the perfect way to make my mouth look a bit more normal.

Just read this back and I’m making myself sound really gross. Sorry. There’s more to come….

The dry lips thing means lipstick crusts up a bit on my lips, plus whenever I wear lipstick I spend the whole time thinking the following…


And so wearing lipstick is a stressful event for me which means I often leave the house with it on, lick it off and then that’s the end. Mainly, it’s psychological though. (YES I HAVE A PSYCHOLOGICAL CONDITION WHERE I PSYCH MYSELF OUT OF WEARING LIPSTICK WHAT?)

But I currently have 500 red lipsticks..I’m obsessed with buying them..I have all these good intentions and when I’m buying one I think this time it’ll be different!
I feel like I need to train myself to wear it. It’ll work.

I have some favorite lipsticks though that I would recommend for a lip licker/lipstickophobe..they’re not all red though..

1. Bourgeois Rouge Edition Velvet
This one goes on like a lip gloss with a wand..I love the bright colour and it does actually stay on for ages even with all the lip licking.


2. Mac Ruby Woo

A matt red lip which when I’m convinced I’ve licked it off is still there! The colour is blue toned so apparently suits any skin tone. Also makes your teeth look whiter..apparently.


3. Clinique Colour Pop

It’s kind of like a cross between a lipstick and a lip balm and it’s MOISTURISING so I smack my lips a lot with it on. Nice for people around me huh?


And there you have it..just call me Sali Hughes.


Squeaky Clean

This week I gave myself a mini facial. “What’s a mini facial?” I hear you ask…well, it’s when you nip upstairs to put some laundry away and while you’re up there you spot all the lovely goodies you got for Christmas and decide to use them all real quick before your husband notices you’ve been gone.


I was a very lucky girl this year and I got loads of no. 7 stuff which I love so while I was locked in the bathroom for 7 minutes I cleansed my face with this lovely balm…you rub it all in and it just melts the makeup off. I use a flannel to remove it..I do this every day, morning and night (if I can be bothered) with a new flannel each time.


Then I used this other stuff that I got for my birthday last year..It’s called Magic Rite, Born Yesterday by Mary Quant…you rub it on, leave it a bit and it goes all hot and then you massage your face and then you wash it off. It feels nice! And if it magically makes your face hot it must be good eh?


Then I use this exfoliate..just rub it in, wash it off.


Then I put on night cream…It was almost night! And then eye cream.


Very quick and look how well scrubbed I looked afterwards!


And there you have it.
It was a lovely treat, my skin has felt quite nice since and it didn’t take long.
You don’t need fancy products either…you can swap out the face balm stuff for coconut oil and the hot massage stuff for a homemade honey or egg white face mask (or any home made face mask!) And you can exfoliate with nutmeg mixed into milk, it really works. I don’t have a home remedy for eye cream though. Sorry. Or night cream. Just Google it ok have some independence!

Ok bye!

Lara’s Mascara Top Pick

I recently decided to buy a waterproof mascara because every day mine was melting off my face (this was due to the now fabled heatwave in June) or getting rubbed off due to tired eyes or spritzed off with my facial spritz.

I went to boots and thought..oo I’ll get a Clinique one with my boots points!
But this boots was really rubbish and didn’t have a Clinique counter so I had to settle for No.7.
I say settled but I actually really like No.7 and I have loads of trusty makeup and beauty products from there…but I WANTED Clinique that day.

Anyways I got this lengthening mascara and woah Nelly it’s brilliant. It’s become my main every day mascara..


Check this out…
No mascara….(sorry I look so angry)



With mascara…



Long lashes huh!??

And that’s Larsy’s seal of’re welcome.

New Mum: What’s in my makeup bag?

When I was preggo I did a “what’s in my makeup bag” and was challenged by some mum friends to do another after I had the baby.

As you can see, when I was up the duff I had oodles of time to give myself home manicures and pedicures weekly and to slather my body in various oils and lotions. And though I didn’t really wear much makeup, I had a serum and various other bits.

Now my spare time is a little sparse..I either get ready during Freddie’s first nap of the Day (half an hour for this plus breakfast plus tidy up bedroom and downstairs) or if I have somewhere to be, I do it while Dan is still at home before he heads to work. In either scenario I have about ten minutes to shower, get dressed and put on any make up.

And I do wear makeup every day. I have every day since Fred was about a week old. Apart from once when I had a fever and once when I went for brunch with my girlfriends which was a strange time to not bother.

Anyways, I’m not caked in slap or putting on a full face of the stuff, but every day I’ll put on something to my face to help me feel human and alive and like me.

So here we go!



I cleanse my face every morning and night with this gel cleanser from No. 7 and a hot wet flannel. It gets off all traces of makeup..In the morning I put in on before I get in the shower to save time. Then I use this Simple day cream.


I’ll always use Laura Mercier tinted moisturiser and Mac concealer..the moisturiser evens out skin tone and gives a bit of a glow and the concealer covers up my extreme bags and dark circles. I don’t use much cos I actually have really good skin at the moment..having a baby seems to have given me lovely skin! It’s never looked so good. I normally get a lot of blackheads under my jaw and I haven’t got ANY. I don’t know if it’s the way I’m cleansing or the having a baby but something’s going right.

Anyways..I Also MIGHT wear blusher depending on if I have time/feel like it/meeting someone. Most days I don’t bother.



I always add a bit of colour to my eyebrows..This new little kit from Rimmell is good..I prefer to get my eyebrows tinted when I get them threaded but I don’t really have time to go get my eyebrows done these days so this does a job.

I always wear mascara and this is a really good one from No 7.

Again depending on time and how I feel, I might line my lashes with brown eyeshadow that I bought in the queue in H&M once.

For lips I just put on a bit of Carmex and I’m done! I can’t be doing with lipstick coz then I get it all over Freddie’s head when I kiss him.

Here’s a photo of me with just the basics and then with the blush and eyeliner.



There’s not a massive difference and in both I still don’t have that much on..he key is that I feel like I’ve made an effort..don’t cringe when I catch sight of myself in the mirror and feel good! It also can all be slapped on in a rush.

And there you have it!

New Mum Style and Beauty (cos I’m keepin it real)

Gosh the ambassador really is spoiling you with another blog post after a mere two days!

Yesterday I ventured out to the local Tesco…I know! Call the society pages and update them!

It was a big deal for me though..I can actually walk about at a normal speed now that my stitches are on the mend.


I also wanted to show you some clothes from my Topshop haul that I got over Christmas when I was waiting to give birth.

I got these amazing new leggings which are basically stretchy skinny comfy and totally thick enough so you can’t see my knickers…I have a rule which is “leggings are not trousers” but these really are like trousers so I’m breaking it. They also are quite high waisted so good for my fat jelly belly. It actually isn’t that fat to be honest. I was really wondering what my tummy would be like after the baby came out…the first few days it was massive and really squishy, but it’s gone down loads since and isn’t too bad.


Anyways..I also got this lovely checked’s my fourth new checked shirt in 2 months! I’m obsessed with them. It’s cos you can open them really easily for breast feeding and they’re long and skim my bumps! I don’t really like purpose breast feeding tops v much so I’m living in these shirts.

I also got this lovely cardi which is really snuggly and has pockets.

And there you have it! I’m not really wearing makeup, just some Laura Mercier tinted moisturiser and mascara.

Added some brown Topshop Chelsea boots and Zara parka, a baby and a pram!

I was out of the house for no more than 30 minutes but there you go, worth a blog I think.
Catch you later!


Oh and here’s one of Freddie…he’s wearing a Mothercare baby grow!


What’s in my makeup bag?


I went on someone’s beauty blog today and they had a regular feature called “What’s in my makeup bag?”..and I’ve literally just stolen it. No amendments.
Well, I didn’t actually read any of the posts cos she didn’t look like someone who’s beauty tips I would take…very TOWIE…but I’ve stolen the concept.

So I’m basically going to talk you through my beauty and makeup. Who knows if you’ll find this interesting, but my best friend’s sisters always seem very keen on my makeup when same best friend got married this year, I was her makeup artist. We went to the Bobbi Brown counter in John Lewis, she had a makeover and I watched, writing down everything the makeup lady said. I’ve never been so pleased with the results of something I created..and when I say something I created, I of course mean, her face.

Moving on…I’ll start with skin care…


So, this is really a recent pregnancy thing..every day after my shower, I massage Bio Oil into my bump and boobs…the NHS website says that oils and creams cannot be linked to preventing stretch marks…that you’ll get them if you get them and they might or might not disappear and there’s nothing you can do about it. But you know, I tend to pick and choose when I believe in science, so I do it anyways.
Then moisturise all over in Dove moisturiser cos being pregnant just means you want to have lovely soft skin, even if putting it on does make me get out of breath.

Then I moisturise my face in light Simple moisturiser..I recently read an article which said don’t spend loads of money on moisturiser cos as long as it hydrates and suits your skin type, you’re golden. I didn’t spend a lot on moisturiser anyway but it’s nice to have validation. I then add Simple Radiance cream which acts as a serum. Sali Hughes in the guardian marked it as a star product and I basically do whatever she tells me.


Next up is base. I use Yves Saint Laurent Touche Eclat foundation…I love this foundation so much. It’s quite light but you can build it up so it acts as a sort of tinted moisturiser for every day when I just use one pump, and when I go out I use two pumps! I never go out these days so it lasts ages! Then I use Mac concealer under eyes and around the nose. This stuff is amazing and I highly reccommend it for good coverage. I also use Touche Eclat highlighter under eyes on special occasions.
Then we have a dusting of No 7 pressed powder to take away shine, and No 7 bronzer on cheeks, forehead and nose. Not a lot. and you apply it by making sweeping motions with a big brush in the shape of a number 3 on each side of your face. the trick is to use it when the sun would hit your face. I learned that from the Bobbi Brown lady.

Then I use this coral coloured cream blush from No 7 on cheeks. It’s a lovely colour and I like creamy blush cos it makes your skin look dewy.


Next, eyes.
I use this Collection 2000 eyebrow kit. It was like three quid and I’ve broken the lid off but it does the job. I apply with an angled eyebrow brush to fill in my almost invisible blondy eyebrows.
I always wear black eyeliner…for most days just this Rimmel Kohl pencil smudged on the top of eyelashes with a sweep of black eyeshadow under the eye to look very subtly smokey. For going out I’ll usually go bigger with this Clinique gel liner, using an eyeliner brush. It’s quite rare that I’ll stray from this formula!


Now we have lips.
I don’t tend to wear lipstick to work, just use some Vaseline Rosy lips. But on the weekends I do love a red lip. I have about 50 million red lipsticks and my fave of all time is Mac Ruby Woo, an amazing matt finish and bluey red colour which I’ve been told makes your teeth look whiter. Unfortunately I lost it last year and instead of spending the 15 quid on a new one, I’ve probably spent that on cheaper ones. Nevermind. But these are my faves that I do have…Kate Moss for Rimmel in red, both normal and matt…Kick Pleat Red from & Other Stories which is a bit orangey…don’t use it on cheeks as well though as it makes you look like a crazy doll. And finally Bourgois Rouge Edition Velvet which goes on like a gloss and stays on for AGES. I love it. The trick is to apply, blot, apply. Do this 3 times with any red lippy. and moisturise lips first of course.

And that’s it!

What are your star makeup bad items or pregnancy beauty solutions?